Spoken Words
For this project, I am photographing and taking a video of Spoken Word Artists from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal who expressed interest. Each one is being asked to write and perform a poem to accompany their portrait. Poems are about them, and on a topic they have not yet explored.
Il n’y a pas de limite
Il n’y a pas de fin
Dans ma tête
Beaucoup d’idées qui s’bousculent
Tout pousse et s’articule
Donne-moi un stylo
Et j’ai juste envie de tracer des galaxies
Un souffle d’étoiles
Et c’est ainsi depuis que j’suis tout petit
Enfant, je touchais à tout
Le dessin, la peinture
Puis à 21 l’écriture
Mais dans c’métier, pour que je perdure
Je dois encore découvrir des lunes
Dans le monde de la littérature
Je dois lire des constellations
Et voyager dans le temps
J’ai beaucoup de carburant
Des idées qui s’bousculent
Qui créent l’infini
Qui me donnent la raison
Et dessinent l’horizon
Marc-Olivier Jean
When I think of existence
And my place within it
The pace of my heart quickens
I slow myself down
I listen
To the harmonies I was given
One day at a time is the best way
To build a masterpiece
By piece
I inhale
I breathe
I allow my roots to sprout into a tree
Let the seed grow
I need to feel hope
Listen and speak more
I exercise my vocal chords
Put intention in each word
My voice matters too
Not to be ignored
Reclamation is all encompassing
And I give it back to myself
I wonder what songs the sun will sing
The date tree
I deserve peace
I deserve peace
I'll write raps
To the way my heart beats
Reclamation is all encompassing
And I give it back to myself
Khaleefa Hamdan
The Legend of the Ostracized Ostriches is a poem that plays on the idiom to have one’s “head in the sands”, as a means to avoid what is unpleasant. This poem also debunks the long-held myth that ostriches bury their heads in the sand as an act of cowardice in the face of a predator when in fact they burrow holes in the sand to nest and protect their eggs. Using this imagery, the Black Elder creates an allegory to describe how oppressed populations namely African, Black and Caribbean lineages have been perceived to be weak when we are forced to hold our composure in the face of oppression and anti-black racism. This poem honours the resilience of our ancestors and all the sacrifices they made to secure their own survival and to promise the arrival of future generations.
They may stumble upon our lands
and find us with heads bowed
and hunched shoulders
shielding from the light
and interpret our cower as cowardice
Never to expect us to ever swing in a fight
Heads low,
with a shrunken posture prone to never growing
Heads burrowed,
like an ostrich on a plot of sand abandoned,
exposed like prey on a platter in a lion’s hands
They interpret our cower for cowardice
Believe we think less of ourselves
because they’ve deemed us less
They’ve spread lies through myths
Imply that we simply can’t face the reality
that our lives are worth-less
They decree implicit truths that we couldn’t possibly refute
nor disprove or dispute with fools
Heads bowed,
so prayers fall out of our mouths like seeds and root
They interpret our cower for cowardice
Deduce we must need to soothe our wounds in darkness
Assume that they can pluck our plumes and leave us flightless
We look vulnerable,
so they determine to endanger us,
then request a natural and silent compliance
like they not the ones maiming us
Trust you are just enraging us.
But we bow our heads in the sands
and burrow below the surface to make room, book chambers and mangers on the land as birth looms
Trusting that deliverance will arrive if we can cower long enough to just keep the flock alive
We may not be able to fight or hide from the preying pride of predators on this plot of sand abandoned
Or earn the innate birthright of dignity
bestowed upon those who comply
But just as the days abide by the commands to set and to rise
You too must expect the heads of the flock to one day lift, for our necks to extend upright, for our wombs to expand, for our hips to grow wide and for the strength of the flock to triple in size
So beware.
Even if a century goes by til our eyes meet eye to eye
Trust that we, the ostracized, have run many many miles
and have sacrificed much
just to keep the flock alive
So you better pray that your prey
don’t ever sow dignified roots deep inside
and evolve to a posture upright
positioning us to…
swing in a fight.
Elisabeth Clarke
After Top Surgery
Did you know
my chest is a whole
even though the
planets have left
my stratosphere
I am still
a perfect
set of spheres
that you can dip a
chip on me and
it’s always delicious
that I imagined myself
and then created the
tools to carve it
that I am now
the lunar landing
of choice
that my name is
a whale song
from jupiter waves
that perfection
isn’t close to glee
it’s a roadblock
touch my scar
to hear my thoughts
kiss it to see
what it’s like
to float in space
Charlie Petch